During March 2020, when the nation announced the lockdown to curb the novel coronavirus, Prime Minister Narendra Modi The government called on non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to assist the government by providing basic needs for the underprivileged, providing medical and protective equipment and assisting with awareness campaigns on social distancing. NGOs across the country took up the challenge.
Several communities benefited through these organizations. NGOs, in the first week of May, provided services to the poor, as well as health and community workers.
Recently, in November 2021, Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya praised the work of NGOs and civil society organizations during the Covid crisis.
SocialStory takes a look at some of these NGOs and the work they did during the pandemic.
During the lockdown period, the efforts of CRY (Child Rights and You), together with its partner NGOs, have focused on reaching as many households as possible, with Basic health and hygiene kits For children and their families.
CRY has been disseminating information, distributing relief materials and advocating for access and availability of services for communities and children. Awareness programmes covered topics such as social distancing, best practices related to public health and hygiene and behaviour change, disinfection, use of masks, following government guidelines during the lockdown period and ways to protect people from community spread of the epidemic.
Goonj, a Delhi-based community development NGO, worked with local suppliers, partners and volunteers to listen to what is happening on the ground, understand and meet the needs of the Excluded communities, including transgender people, sex workers, patients and day laborers.institutions like nursing homes etc. that need immediate supply of rations, essential hygiene items, masks, gloves, medical kits etc. Moreover, Goonj stood with them, gave voice and visibility to their challenges.
Salaam Bombay Foundation
Salaam Bombay Foundation has taken certain initiatives to maintain the Mentally and emotionally compromised children from slums Using technology to hone their skills and create a positively reinforcing environment, these are the children who make up 56 percent of the slum population in Mumbai, living in rooms just 3 x 3 metres in size, sometimes with no sunlight or ventilation.
With the aim of bridging the digital divide faced by these underprivileged children during the crisis, the foundation also organised an online fundraising campaign. It also addressed issues such as mental health arising among children as a result of increased stress levels due to fear of contracting COVID-19 and staying at home in crowded houses.
Perroayuda Welfare Foundation
The youth organization Fundación para el Bienestar Perroayuda has focused on feeding the ignored and voiceless souls of the streets: animals. The NGO’s main goal is to provide a Helping stray animals Wherever you find them, provide them with food, attention, love, medical treatment and organize fun feeding campaigns to raise awareness and encourage their adoption.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, over 111 active volunteers continued to feed stray dogs in their locality. On an average, they feed over 900 stray dogs in Delhi-NCR and in some parts of Ghaziabad. Due to the lockdown, the volunteers fed stray dogs and other animals in their locality.
SaveLIFE Foundation
SaveLIFE Foundation (SLF), which traditionally works in road safety and emergency medical responses, responded to SOS calls from its government and hospital partners during the pandemic. An internal team was quickly assembled with expertise ranging from disaster relief to military supplies and emergency response.
Additional staff were assigned to mobilize resources for the procurement. On April 25, 2021, SLF placed its first order for 224 oxygen concentrators for Delhi. Over the next few days, additional orders for over 600 oxygen concentrators and 1,500 D-type oxygen cylinders were placed. In addition to the oxygen crisis response, the NGO’s data science and emergency response teams continued to monitor the ambulance response in Delhi, tracking and optimizing them to ensure the fastest possible response.
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