(1) Students who receive a Pell Grant or Washington College Scholarship.
(2) Defined as receiving a Pell Grant or a Washington College Scholarship.
(3) SBCTC Public Enrollment Data Dashboard.
(4) Washington State Educational Research Data Center Statewide Four-year public panel.
(5) In this data set, Washington uses the Framework for professional groups Developed by Advance CTE for grouped programs.
(6) The SBCTC designates Hispanic, Black, and American Indian/Alaska Native students as “historically underrepresented” and measures this group as a whole in a separate data field.
(7) Author’s calculation comparing CCB students in Washington with national figures published by the National Student Clearinghouse detailed in note 1 above in this report.
(8) The Rural Serving Institutions Index is a continuous metric that ranges in value from “0” to “4.” Following the suggestion to use a value of 1.175 or higher to indicate a rural serving institution, we classified Yakima Valley College, Wenatchee Valley College, Lower Columbia College, Centralia College, Grays Harbor College, Peninsula College, Skagit Valley College, Bellingham Technical College, Whatcom Community College, and Big Bend Community College in this manner.
(9) Percentages calculated by the author using the SBCTC Public Enrollment DashboardDemographic table analyzing the annual count of students enrolled in CCB programs.
(10) Employment and wage data were obtained from state unemployment insurance records for graduates working part-time or full-time. Graduates who are self-employed or working for the military or federal government are not included.
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